Newa Forum invites all Nepalese to Tihar/Swonti & 1127th Nepal New Year Celebrations in Tokyo

Annual Grand Party of the people who love Nepal
This year is an important year for all of us in Japan and Nepal as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries. A variety of programmes held this year both in Japan and Nepal.
At the Newā International Forum Japan, we are proud to announce a special get together to celebrate this golden jubilee anniversary to consolidate the traditional bond of friendship and cooperation further between the two peoples in conjunction with Swonti [Tihar] festive season, where we celebrate the 1127th New Year of Nepal Lunar calendar.
Please join us at this Grand Annual Party of the people, who love Nepal with your family and friends.
Katou Gyanu Manandhar
Newa International Forum Japan

Golden Jubilee of Japan and Nepal Diplomatic Relations
1127th New Year of Nepal Calendar
“Mhapuja”Self Purification Ritual
Instrumental Music Show
Grand Party with Authentic Newa style delicacies

Date: 22nd October 2006 (Sunday) 15:30 - 20:00 hrs
Venue: Kasai City Hall 3F
3-10-1 Naka Kasai, Edogawa-ku
Tokyo l: 03-3688-0431

Reservation: Before 18th October 2006 (Wedday)
By Fax:03-3311-6475 or By email:
(We shall appreciate your reservation before the deadline, as several who didn't do so missed the great Newa delicacies last year)

Contact: 03-3311-6475 (Bigendra Pradhan, Newa Forum Office)
090-6155-6777 (Katou Gyanu Manandhar), 090-1405 3397 (Bhupi Shrestha)
090-1765-9342 (Madhav Manandhar), 090-2905-0770 (Suwarn Vajracharya)

----------------NOTICE OF NEWA CONVENTION----------
General Meeting and Election of New Office Bearers of
the Newa International Forum Japan for 2007 will be held at 13:00 hrs at the same event hall.
Submit your nomination before 18 October along with party reservation.
Newa Forum is open to all who love Nepal and interested in sharing its spirit .


Nepal New Year Celebration in Tokyo

Grand Annual Party in Celebration
1127th Nepal New Year
to be held in Tokyo
on Sunday the 22nd October 2006.
from 15:00
with 3rd Convention of Newa International Forum Japan
13:00 hrs
Watch out for more detail soon!
- Newa International Forum Japan

Reminder of Special Seminar on 10th Sep. 2006 and Request to register.

Hello, friends/sathiharu/pasapin,

Please be kindly reminded that you have been invited to the Special Seminar to be held on the 10th September (See the detail below) in clebration of Golden Jubilee Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations of Japan and Nepal.

As we would like to prepare a list of participants, you are also kindly requested to register before the 8th instance if you are going to be with us at the seminar and cultural programme on the 1oth instance.

Best wishes/Subhecchuk/Bheentunamha

Newa International Forum Japan
For Nepalese Association Japan & Hatemalo Spciety