Special Seminar in Golden Jubilee Celebration of Japan Nepal Diplomatic Relations

Theme: Newa Society, Vihar Buddhism, Agriculture and Education of Today in Nepal

Read the detail below in Japanese. Click "Announcement & Calendar" for English version on the index.



今年は日本とネパールの国交が樹立してから50年を迎える年です。 その記念にパーラス・ギミレ駐日ネパール大使代行と日本ネパール協会会長伊藤忠一前大使により開会される、「ネパールのネワー社会、ビハラ仏教、農業、教育事情について考える特別セミナー」を下記の通り開催致します。

☆『ネワー社会研究を振り返る』[Newa Samajya Adhyayan Liswaya]
使用語Nepal Bhasa。日本語のレジュメあり。
石井 溥(東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所名誉教授)

  志和地 弘信 (東京農業大学助教授)

☆『ネパールにおけるビハラ仏教に関する一考察 』
[Nepaya Bihar Dharma Duwala Swoya]
使用語 Nepal Bhasa 日本語のレジュメあり。
ケシャブ L.マハラジャン(広島大学大学院国際協力研究科教授、

マダ-ブ N. マナンダール(日本工業大学講師、在日ネパール人会会長)

Indra Gurung, Dipesh Shrestha & Chaitya Devi

日時: 9月10日(日)12:30 開場 13:00 開演
会場:浜町区民館 7号室 定員:100名

§ 東京メトロ半蔵門線水天宮前駅下車7番出口 徒歩10分
§ 都営地下鉄新宿線浜町駅下車A2番出口 徒歩5分
§ 都バス「錦11錦糸町駅-築地駅」浜町二丁目下車徒歩2分

会費 : 1,000円 〈但し、会員、学生は800円)
※ 参加ご希望の方は、下記に住所、氏名、電話番号、参加人数などご記入の上、FAXで送信するか、またはE-mail、お電話でお申し込み下さい。
FAX: 03-3311-6475    E-mail: nifj@hotmail.co.jp

Tel/Fax: 047-341-9310(ブピ・シュレスタ, NAJ)、
090-9822-1740 (ゴータム・マハルジャン, HS)
090-2905-0770(スワン・ワジラチャリヤ, NIFJ)

主催: 在日ネパール人会  ハテマロ・ソサエティ  ネワー国際フォーラム・ジャパン 
後援: 駐日ネパール大使館, 日本ネパール協会, ミラン・クラブ,
IRI Inc. [Investor Relations International]

Direction Map to Hamacho Kuminkan Hall

Special Seminar in Golden Jubilee Celebration of Japan Nepal Diplomatic Relations

Theme: Newa Society, Vihar Buddhism, Agriculture and Education of Toaday in Nepal

Date: 10th September (Sunday)
Time: 12:30 (Hall Open)
13:00 (Seminar Commence)
Venue: Hamacho Kuminkan Hall No. 7
(Seating capacity: 100)

3-37-1 Hamacho Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo

§ 10 minutes walk from Exit 7, Suitengumae Station on Hanzomon Line
§ 5 minutes walk from Exit A2, Hamacho Station on Shinjuku Line
§ 2 minute walk from Hamacho 2 Chome Bus Stop by Tokyo Metropolitan bus No. “Kin 11”
(Kinshicho Station - Tsukiji Station on Hibiya line) Recommended

Announcement & Calendar

Jwojalapa and welcome !
To Newa International Forum Japan, a forum, where we care for each other and share wisdom while being outside of our native land of Nepal.

Newa International Forum Japan proudly announce the following forthe events for your kind information to be with at the events.


10th September (Sunday)
Special Seminar on Newa society, Vihar Buddhism, Agriculture and Education of Today in Nepal to be opened by Acting Nepalese Ambassador Paras Ghimire and Japan-Nepal Society President, Former Japanese Ambassador Chu-ichi Ito in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Japan Nepal diplomatic relations. (See the detail below)

22nd October (Sunday)
Nepal Samvat 1127th New Year Grand Party with Mhapuja (Swanti/Tihar)
Watch out for detail!

10th September (Sunday) Special Seminar on Newa Society.......
Time: 12:30 (Hall Open) 13:00 (Seminar Commence)
Venue: Hamacho Kuminkan Hall No. 7 (Seating capacity: 100)
3-37-1 Hamacho Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo

§ 10 minutes walk from Exit 7, Suitengumae Station on Hanzomon Line
§ 5 minutes walk from Exit A2, Hamacho Station on Shinjuku Line
§ 2 minute walk from Hamacho 2 Chome Bus Stop by Tokyo Metropolitan bus No. “Kin 11”
(Kinshicho Station - Tsukiji Station ”

Registration Fee: 1,000 yen per head 〈800 yen per student or member〉
You are kindly requested to register to attend this seminar by sending in your name, address and contact number through fax or email before 8th September. (Deadline)

To: FAX: 03-3311-6475 E-mail: nifj@hotmail.co.jp

047-341-9310(Bhupi Shrestha, NAJ),
090-9822-1740 (Gautam Maharjan, HS),
090-2905-0770(Suwarn Vajracharya, NIFJ)

The Seminar
Research Studies of Newa Society in Retrospect
[Newa Samajya Adhyayan Liswaya]
(Lecture in Nepal Bhasa, Japanese version resume available)
Hiroshi Ishii

(Professor Emeritus, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

History of Assistance to Agricultural Development in Nepal (Lecture in Japanese)
Hironobu Shiwachi (Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture)

Vihar Buddhism in the Contemporary context
[Nepaya Bihar Dharma Duwala Swoya]
(Lecture in Nepal Bhasa, Japanese version resume available)
Keshav L. Maharjan

(Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation, University of Hiroshima;
Advisor, Newa International Forum Japan)

School Education in Contemporary Nepal (Lecture in Japanese)
Madhav N. Manandhar (Lecturer, Nippon Institute of Technology,

President Nepalese Association in Japan)

Music Show and Dance: Indra Gurung, Dipesh Shrestha & Chaitya Devi

Nepalese Association in Japan, Hatemalo Society, Newa International Forum Japan

Embassy of Nepal, Japan-Nepal Society, Milan Club,
IRI Inc. [Investor Relations International]